Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 University
UFMC1 - Promote national research in the fields of technological and scientific innovation

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Dr.Derouiche M- Manufacturing and characterization of a traditional "Adghess" cheese
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UFMC1- Workshop closing
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Mr.Chehili Hamza- Implementation and generalization of PROGRES at UFMC1
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Mr.A.Djekoun- Digital strategy of the UFMC1 within the framework of the establishment's project
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Mr.Ikhelef Ameur- Online practical work
Mr.Siaf Riad- The H.P.C at the service of Scientific research
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Mr.Gouri Hichem- Electronic Administration
Mm.S.Boussalia- Business games (web conference)
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Mr.Bouaicha Foued- Geoinformation and Contribution of GIS in Geosciences and Biological Sciences
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Pr.A.Djekoun & Pr.D.Khelifi & Pr.L.Boutekrabt- Closure of siminary
Pr.Abdelhamid Djekoun- The opening session of the forum
Mr.Ibrahim Boukhalfa- The conceptuel image in comparative literature
Mm.Bourouis Dahbia- Letters of meanings and their effect on shaping the stylistic devices
Mr.Abdelnasser Mashri- The presence of the figure of speech in the religious speech
Mm.Soria Ghedjati- Post-drama theater from text authority to style of speech authority
Mr.Assas Samiha- The rhetoric of the theatrical image from drama to legend: A belle play in Socrates Prison by Ahmed
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Mm.Amal Louati- The novelty of the poetic image and transcending the old rhetoric
Mm.Amel Nazar- Create a picture in school dictionaries, a child's ride to understand definitions and semantic perce
Mm.R.Benmissia- The educational image in educational books between the approximate knowledge concepts of the learner
Mr.Idris Hamrouche- Grammatical variations and possibilities and their role in drawing the image
Mr.Khaledia Djab Allah- Grammatical variations and possibilities and their role in drawing the image
Mm.Ilham Alloul - The formation of the image of the house and the destruction of the concept of homeiness in the novel
Mm.Chahrazad ben Younis- The portrayal and the aesthetics of the female body are a reading of statues and oppositions in the
Mm.Fouzia Bouelguendoul- The simulation of the photo-figurative art in the cover of the novel Water Memory by Wassini Lamerj
Mm.Zahia Alloul- Culture and advertising image how to reflect and what element to invest to present the Algerian Cult
Mr.Kadid Diab- The problem of the image in Arab culture, between subjectivity and interpretation strategy, research
Mm.Wafia Benmassouad- The murals of the Egyptian revolution, from forming the image to interpreting social transformations
Mm.Saida Hamdaoui- Pilgrim sarcastic advertising image
Mr.Salim Mazhoud- The role of the comics in defining and supporting the Palestinian cause
Mm.Souhaila BenAmar- Creating the image in the cinematic advertisement
Mm.Karima Boukhari- Desert in the publicity advertisement publicity mobile Nedjema
Mr.Mouhamed Benzaoui- The visual image in the pre-Islamic poem
Mm.Zoubida Boughaouas- The implications of the artistic image in the Algerian plastic art
UFMC1- womens day
UFMC1- Open doors to UFMC1 university
UFMC1- Labor Day
Mr.Bouzide Tayeb- Visit of the Minister of Higher Education Mr Bouzide Tayeb
UFMC1- University pre-registration 2019-2020
UFMC1- University registrations 2019-2020
Recteur de l'université- Opening of entrepreneurship
Les étudiants de l'UFMC1- Advanced Solar Power
Mm.Bouaouni Ratiba- Development and maintenance of green spaces
Mm.Benseghier Lina- Goat farming
Mm.Assifer Anfel- Prickly pear seed oil production
Mr.Brik Amine- Smart Air Manager
Mm.M.Boulaasel- Cleaning company
Mr.Harouch Haddad- Speed ​​control system
Mm.Bouzid Sonia- Whey enhancement
- Entrepreneurship close
UFMC1- The opening ceremony of the 2019-2020 academic year
Pr.M.E.H.Latreche & Mr.Aris skander & Mr.S.Ziani- Opening of a seminar
Mm.Hayet Djellali- Equations Of Artifical Bees Colony Applied to Feature Selection
Mr.Salaheddine Farhi - Control and Observation of Induction Motor Using Frist-Oder Sliding Mode 02
Mr.Maamar Souaihia- Designing a Sliding Mode Observer For Battery Stata of Charge Estimation
Mr. Djilali Kouchih - Discrimination Of Unbalanced Supply and Stator Interturn Faults in Inducation Machines
Mm.Nadjet Zioui- Hybrid networks in smart systems control and monitoring challenges and prospet
Mr. Rami Riane- Modeling of Torsional Vibrations Dynamic in Drill-String by using PI - Observer
Mr.Kamel Menighed - Networked Cooperation-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control Using Laguerre Functions For Large-
Mr.Ahmed Chemori- Recent Advances In Motion Control Of Underwater Robots Of Inspection Applications
Mr. Louanasse Laggoun- Direct Torque Control Using Fuzzy Second Sliding Mode Speed Regulator
M.A.terki & M.H.Boubertakh- Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Solving Unit-Commitment xith Vehicul-to-Grid
Mr.Gazzam Noureddine - Direct Siding Mode Control of transient Power in Microgrid During Grid Failure
Mr.Mohamed Nasri- Fuzzy H∞ Delay-independent Stabilization of depth Control for Underwater Vehicule
Mr.Issam Attoui - Multiclass Support Vector Machine Based Bearing Fault Detection Using Vibration Signal
Mr.Djalel Baladji - Improvement of the Stability performance of a quadcopter helicopter by a Neuro-fuzzy Controller
Mr.Noureddine Gazzam- Discrete Faults Diagnosis For the Multicellular Converter Algebraic Approach
Mr.M.S.Boucherit - Evaluation Scientifique
Mr.Youcef Zennir- Fault-Tolerant Path-Traching Control With PID Controller For 4WS4WD Electric Vehicules
Mr.Y Soukkou- Immersion and Invariance Based Adaptive for Parametric Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems
Mr.Gherabi Zakaria- Line Current Spectrum Analysis as a Technique to Diagnose the Demagnetization Fault
Mr.Sami Laifa- Design fractional Order PI Controller With Decoupler for MIMO Process Using Diffusive
Mr.Chouaib Chakour- Fault Detection of Uncertain System Based On Interval Data Driven Approch
Mm.Souhila Kahlouche - Human Activity Recognition Based Machine Learning for Multimodal Robot Interaction
Mm.Chahira Boussalem- Fractional Order Integral Controller Design Based On a Bode’s Ideal Transfer Fonction
Mr.M.Latreche & Aris skander- Closure of siminary
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FSNV- Biological days week for the first and second year students
UFMC1- Afforestation Campaign at the University of the Brothers Mentouri Constantine 1
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UFMC1- womens day
UFMC1- Netherlands day in constantine
UFMC1- Netherlands day in constantine
UFMC1- Student party
UFMC1- Erasmus
UFMC1- Opening ceremony of the 2020-2021 academic year
UFMC1- Speech by the Minister of Higher Education and the Director General of Higher Education and Training
UFMC1- Preliminary analysis on the progress of university services during the period of the health crisis,
UFMC1- Applications related to the ethics and ethics of the university profession
UFMC1- Practices and experiences related to remote training
UFMC1- Concerns were raised by members of the East-West-Central regional seminars
UFMC1- A reading of the outline of the recommendations and the conclusion of the seminar by the Minister of
UFMC1- Visit of the French Ambassador
UFMC1- Doors are open to the majors of the College of Natural Sciences and Life
UFMC1- Doors are open to the majors of the College of Natural Sciences and Life
UFMC1- concept of a courtyard for a hyprid teaching
UFMC1- National martyr day
UFMC1- C2I and Excel computer training for ATS staff
UFMC1- A commemorative symposium for the Faculty of Letters
UFMC1- Visit of the Minister of Higher Education Abdelbaki Benziane
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UFMC1- Day of remembrance for the massacres of May 8, 1945
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DR. Nedjma Cherrad - Alexandre Najjar ferryman of Languages ​​and Culture for plurilingual and intercultural palimpsest
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DR.Redouane Aissani - The representation of history in the work of Alexander Najjar
DR.Mohamed Bouchelta - Places of remembrance in Alexander Nejjar’s school of war
DR.Meriem Boughachiche - Beyond the letter of the text Lametaphore as a diction in the Work of Alexander Najjar
DR.Carol Ziadé Ajami - La Parol estaction, testimony about Alexandre Najjar
DR.Jad Hatem - Sartre in the theater of Alexandre Nejjar
DR.Henri Zoghaib- Alexander the Carpenter... New Geometrical Discoveries
DR.Abdeslam Sahraoui - Notable stations and events in Gibran's life through the book of Khalil Gibran, author of the Prophe
D. Besma Founas- A nonlinear elasticity system in Sobolev spaces with Variable exponents
D. Nesrine Gouri - A rolling bearing data analyses based on mimium entropy deconvolution
D.Djamel Ait-Akli - A trace result for Sobolev extension domains
D.Sakina Othmani - Adaptive synchronization of bam neural networks with mixed delays
D.Elmahdi Zaouche - An existence theorem of a nonlinear filtration problem through a porous
D.Iman Ben Othman - Behavior of the solutions of some systems of non-integer differential equations
D.Mohamed Saadi- Continiuty of some pseudo-differentail operators on Lizorkin-Triebel spaces
D. Aicha Sakhri- Existence and uniqueness for a nonlinear fractional differential equation with No local condition
D.Abdelhamid Ayadi - Introduction to the notion of distributions
- Official Opening of the second National Mathematics Seminar
D.Ameur Memou- On a nonlinear mixed problem for a parabolic equation with a nonlocal constraint
D.Nacera Meddah - On the 2 –independence subdivision number of graghs
D.Farida Belhannache - On the Stability of a viscoelastic equation
D.Nadir Teyar - reduced and Modified differential Transform methods for two dimensional
D.Ghorab Elhouari - Tempered gegeralized function type
- second National Mathematics Seminar PRESENTATION POSTERS (1)
- second National Mathematics Seminar PRESENTATION POSTERS (2)
UFMC1- Signature of the FMC1 University-Socio-economic partner agreement
Pr.Jean Michel SERVAIS- Address at the opening session of the Conference
Dr.Bendjabe allah souade- Women facing psychosocial risks
Dr.Tayab SEMATI- Occupational risks in Algerian law
Dr.Nacerdine SEMAR- Psychological and social risks resulting from work Difficulty controlling the legal content of the p
Dr.Badis BOUMZEBAR- Intellectual Approaches to Psychosocial Risks in the Work Environment
Dr.Saida BOUKANDOUL- The impact of the work environment on the mental health factor of the worker
Dr.Riad BARKET- The impact of the psychosocial risk management environment as a new area of ​​legal protection for w
Dr.Amina BOUSAID & Ahmed GUEDOUME- Psychological burnout and its relationship to the work environment
Dr.Farida LARKAT & Allaoua HAOUAM- Harcèlement moral au travail
Dr.Nadjah GHARBI- Job marginalization and its impact on the quality of the career path of a public official
Dr.Tounssia YOUNESSI- Psychological burnout among primary education teachers in the time of Covid 19
Dr.Sadik RIKELI- Obligations of the Employing Authority to provide labor medicine in the light of Algerian legislatio
Dr.Mouhamed Amin BELARADJE- A legal approach to the idea of ​​psychological and social risks associated with Algerian legal work
Dr.Imen Rima TOUABTI- A legal approach to the phenomenon of harassment of working women in light of the socio-cultural cha
Dr.Roumaissa KAHOUL & Hichem BOUHOUCHE- Prevention of occupational hazards in the Algerian public enterprise
Dr.Dalila LETOUCHE- Mentally abused working women between disciplinary and arbitrary dismissals
Dr.Fatima BOUCHRIA- The right of people with special needs to work and protection from psychological and social risks in
Dr.Souad BENOUAR- The share of worker's dignity as a personal right of legal protection
Dr.Amina SABIH & Mohamed Amin SOBHI- The legal role of the work doctor in protecting the professional environment and its impact on a sou
Dr.Hayat LEMLIKCHI- The role of participating agencies in monitoring the application of health-related provisions at wor
Dr.Hamoud MELISSA- Actors in the field of occupational hazard prevention
Dr.Kibboua Mounia & S Korichi- General concept and legal framework in Algeria
Pr.Maryse Badel- French legislation on occupational risks a normative framework adaptable to psychosocial risks
Dr.Loic Lerouge- Psychosocial risks in labor law lessons learned from French and foreign law
Pr. Virgine YANPELDA- The untraceable measure to protect workers against psychosocial risks in Cameroon
Dr.Tounkara Dianguina- The necessary adaptation of the law to the fact
Dr. Labbani ouafa- Psychosocial risk in Algeria between recognition and mistrust
Dr.Maache youcef & Gahar Sabrina- Analysis of the concept of violence Aggression verus violence Let us remove the ambiguity
Dr.Benhassine wissal & Mohammedi Benaicha- RPS at the level of a hospital establishment after improvement of working conditions
Dr.Idiri Ouahiba- Psychological violence in the Algerian hospital establishment in the case of two services at the Tiz
Dr.Bennouna Aida- Perception of psychosocial risks in hospitals, assessment and prevention
Dr.Dali Linda- Socio-professional conditions and state of health of employees on fixed-term contracts in public com
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Dr.Baziz Amine Chaib Rachid- Preventive measures Against burnout syndrome in healthcare professionals during the covid-19 pandemi
Dr.Semati Tayeb- Occupational risks in social security and judicial practice
Dr.Benyasaed Adra- The corporate social responsibility for its workers in light of the Corona pandemic
Dr.Bensalem Kamel- The role of the Social Security Authority in the prevention of work accidents and occupational disea
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Dr.Zahouine Missoune- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psyche of the worker
Dr.Benlaghia Amina- Psychological and social risks for workers of the National Social Insurance Fund for salaried worker
UFMC1- Opening of the seminar
UFMC1- Closing of the seminar
UFMC1- Debate1
UFMC1- Debate2
UFMC1- Debate3
UFMC1- Debate4
UFMC1- Debate5
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UFMC1- Presentation of the new perception about training in doctorate
UFMC1- Recommendations of the Minister of Higher Education, Abdel-Baqi Bin Zayan
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UFMC1- Closure of the work of the Conference
UFMC1- Opening ceremony of the 2021-2022 academic year
UFMC1- commemorative symposium for the Fares Khalaf Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences
UFMC1- Remembrance day for the massacre of October 17, 1961
UFMC1- Visit of the Turkish Ambassador
UFMC1- Visit of the Ambassador of England
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UFMC1- Honoring Ceremony 2020-2021
INAATA- Inauguration of the INAATA institute agri-food engineering laboratory
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D.Oudjedi Kahina- Antioxidant activity of a hydroalcoholic extract of sage in minced meat
D.Himed Louiza- Antioxidant activity of lemon essential oils and their effect on peroxidase activity
D.Mehiri Khayra- Isolation and identification of exopolysaccharide-producing Lactococcus lactis from camel milk
D.Kehal Farida- Anti-α amylase and antioxidant activities of the roots of Brassica napus L. var. Napobrassica before
D.Boussaa Abdelhalim- Assay of using bioactive compounds of Pulicaria odora L. in the biopreservation of minced meat durin
D.Meradji Meriem- Assessment of some probiotic and technologic features of a Fructobacillus fructosus A21 isolated fro
D. Filali Aicha- Spirulina Phycocyanin Soft Drink
D.Yaiche Achour- Carotenoids from the microalgae Dunaliella salina production, extraction
D.sahli Kaouther- Characterization and biological activities of carotenoids produced by Haloferax sp. ME16, an extreme
D.Bouhanna Imane- Phenolic composition of Arbutus unedo L. fruit extract and application in the preservation of tradit
D.Chaib & Dakhmouche- Isolation, improvement of lipolytic production of a yeast isolated from olive pomace
D.Bramki Amina- Isolation, identification of Aspergillus strains from different ecosystems and demonstration of thei
D.Barache Nacim- Mediterranean fruits, an unconventional source of yeast strains with probiotic potential
D.Kouadri Boudjelthia Nacima- In vitro demonstration of the technological abilities of nine strains of Lactobacillus plantarum iso
D.Alleg Moussa- Modeling of anthocyanin extraction from arbutus and incorporation test in yogurt
D.Kenida Lina- Optimization of the formulation of a margarine to spread with date syrup
D.Dakhmouche S & Ait-Kaki A- Optimization and immobilization of amylase produced by Clavispora lusitaniae isolated from wheat gra
D. Brahmi Fatiha- Optimization of the conditions for the extraction of phenolic compounds by ultrasound from the potat
BIOQUAL- Presentation of the biotechnology and food quality research laboratory
D.Bennamoun Laila- Production and characterization of yeast pectinase Tests of application in the clarification of lemo
D. Kahlouche Amal- Biochemical properties of a protease produced by Bacillus mojavensis P47M strain isolated from the s
D.Gomri M.A- Prospecting of thermophilic bacteria producing exopolysaccharides (EPS) from the geothermal spring o
D. Zaouadi Nasrine- Production of a vegetable drink made from Atriplex halimus leaves
D.Carrillo Pérez Celia- Red pigments with potential health effects. Novel sources and extraction approaches
UFMC1- Opening of the meeting
D. Kheloufi Maroua- Valorisation et développement d'extraits végétaux à effet coagulant de cas de lait du fromage tradit
D. Derardja Ala Eddine- Valorization of flavedo carotenoids extracted from orange peels in the manufacture of Gouda-type che
UFMC1- Opening of the seminar
D.Badreddine Mlesse- Ussing Google Classeroom for distance Education class, assessment and Communication
D.Djaber kassoum Kaouter- The linguistic enlightenment of the child between print and digital
D.Bouelkandoul_Fouzia- The linguistic triad in electronic literature is a didactic approach to examples of Arabic literatur
D.Radouane salah sofiane- The electronic complex: Prospects and challenges of reading in models from computerized Arabic dicti
D.warda_Messili- The manuscript and its role in digitization
D.Isam_Chahata- The challenges of teaching and learning the Arabic language using e-learning in light of the Corona
D.JabAllah Khaledia- Arabic sciences in websites, digital presentations as a model
D.Khamsa Alaoui- Didactic of literary text from paper to digital
UFMC1- International Mountain Day
UFMC1- ICT training
D. fareh Bendada- Global security the bio-terrorist threat in motion
UFMC1- Forum opening
D.Elhoucine_bensalah- Effects and repercussions of bioterrorism
D.Aloui_Fatima zahra- Bioterrorism after the COVID-19 pandemic
D.Haroual hatem- Chemical weapons as a weapon of mass destruction
D.Kheraz_Halima- Conceptual framework for chemical and biological weapons
D.Mezian_Radia- Biological weapon as a weapon of mass destruction
D.Medjenah_saada- Types of biological and chemical weapons
D.Khala_Raouf- The repercussions of bioterrorism on human security
D.Radjeti_Khalil- The repercussions of biological and chemical terrorism on human security and the environment
D.Falidj ghouzlain- Generation and manufacture of biological agents and their military uses
D.Chibouti_Radia- COVID-19 as a form of bioterrorism
D.Guenfoud_Nabiha- What is biological and chemical terrorism?
D.Bouafia Rida- The nature of biological weapons
D.Maakouf_Mouna- The concept of bioterrorism
D.kahoul_walid- Hazard implications of biological weapons
UFMC1- Closing session
UFMC1- The first university forum to evaluate distance education
UFMC1- An awareness day for people with special needs
UFMC1- Scientific, sports and cultural clubs exhibition
UFMC1- Internet of things and cyber security
UFMC1- knowledge day
UFMC1- The official launch of the 2021-2022 doctoral training on the occasion of Knowledge Day
UFMC1- University Startups Conference
UFMC1- Book Fair on the occasion of Knowledge Day
- Open doors on University Brothers Mentouri Constantine 1
Dr.Mokhtaria Derkaoui- Electromagnetic and themal behavior of an integrated octagonal planar microformer
Pr.Antoine pierquin - Reduction of order of mode application to electrical engineering and first results for composite mat
Dr.Mohamed Benssetti - Contactless energy transfer systems by induction in the automotive field topological choice and expo
UFMC1- visit of the US ambassador
D.Boudraa Belkacem - the regulation of commercial advertising
D.Kadri Sabrina - food supplements from the PHYSIOPHARM laboratory
D.Belkhiri Abdelmalik- food supplements in Algeria contour of a regulatory framework
D.Derouiche taha - medicine and dietary supplement technical-regulatory aspect
UFMC1- Seminar opening
D.Guermat Mohamed ElAmine- The legal responsibility of the nutritional supplement producer
D.Guermat Mohamed ElAmine- The legal responsibility of the nutritional supplement producer(2)
D.Saai Moubarek- Food supplement between industrial and commercial property
D.Saai Moubarek- Food supplement between industrial and commercial property(2)
D.Bounaas Abdelghani- Monitor compliance of nutritional supplements
D.Abid Abdelmoumen- Good Manufacturing Practices Comparison between Algerian and American Legislation
UFMC1- Book Fair
UFMC1- Opening of the National Forum on Modern Punitive Policy
D.Tenhinan Wald Ahmed- The impact of jurisprudence schools in drawing the contours of punitive policy in Algeria
D.Zerazka Amer- Methods of social reintegration for prisoners between legal texts and scientific practice (education
D.Noureddine_djaber- Adopting digitization in managing and regulating the work of penal institutions
D.Ennaoui_Walid- Reforms that have taken place in the prison administration in light of its practice
D.Chaaben_Nada- Efforts to lay the foundations for the punitive policy and the mechanisms for its implementation
D.Tachour_abdelhafid- The legal nature of the decisions of the judge applying the penalties
D.Maakouf_Mouna- Punitive institutions in Algeria
D.Machkour_Ismail- The legal system of punitive policy in Algeria
D.Benturki_Leila- Penal adaptation systems in achieving the challenges of modern punitive policy
D.Abdelkarim_Souad- The penal institution's budget moves between centralization and lack of focus
D.Bouhouche_Hichem- Organizing the penal institution and new devices for re-education under Order 72-02
D.Moukrane_Abderrazek- The role of the modern penal policy in the rehabilitation of the convict
D.Benhamouda_latifa- The role of alternative penalties in the reintegration of convicts (penalty for work for the public
D.Benkroum_Leila- The role of the Sanctions Adjustment Committee in dedicating the function of rehabilitation and a se
D.DJelali_Elhoucine- The effectiveness of the application of alternative penalties in the embodiment of the modern penal
D.Mahrouk_Khaoula- The electronic probation system as a method to rationalize the contemporary punitive policy
UFMC1- Distribution of certificates
UFMC1- student party
UFMC1- The opening of the seminar
Dr.ATMANI-Merabet Ghania- Acaricidal activity of Algerian deucalptus species on varroa destructor of bees
Dr.RAIS Lynda- Biodiversity of pollinating insects of broad bean (vicia faba l.) and zucchini (cucurbitapepo l) in
Dr.BOUAICHA Badreddine- Floristic diversity and ecological value of the forest of beni salah (wilaya of el tarf)
Dr.BETINA Sara Imene- fourth structure of the incubator
Pr. BENACHOUR Karima- Bees and pollination agro-economic and ecological impact causes of decline and means of protection
Dr.RAMLI Iman- Antioxidants in plants as a valorization pattern emphasizing the need for the conservation of plant
Dr .KOHIL Karima- Introduction to wildlife biodiversity the extinction of animals and arthropods in Algeria
Dr.ALATOU Djamel- biodiversity and climate change
Dr.AOUABDIA NABILA- blue business-university liaison office
Dr.KHALED HALIMA- Quinoa cultivation and its interests in Algeria
Dr.BENSOUSI Aicha- The house of entrepreneurship
Dr.BELKHIRI Abdelmalik- Problematic herbal supplements and contours of a regulatory framework in Algeria
Dr.BELMIHOUB Hibeterrahmene- The interactions plant – butterflies in the urban and peri-urban parks of the city of Sétif
Dr.MADANI Khodir- Local products, a structuring project, prickly pear case study
Pr. GUENDEZ Ramila- Ecological order of arrival of the functional biocenosis of the olive grove in central mitidja
Dr.BELLIL Ines- Role of the incubator and related structures within the university
Dr .GHAOUACI Souad- Species diversity and distribution for zooplankton in the wetlandsof the Chelef region, western Alge
Dr.KHELLAF Nora- Strategies for surveillance and phytosanitary management of tomato leaf miner populations
Pr. GAOUAR Semir & Bechir Suheil- The biodiversité level in prion protein gene (PRNP) is sheep, gaot and dromedary rearing in Algeria
Dr. boudechiche Noreddine- Valorization of a biomaterial for the treatment of anionic dye in aqueous medium by biosorption char
Dr. AYAD Radia- Valorization of natural resources in dermocosmetic preparations as medicinal plants
UFMC1- Closing of the seminar
UFMC1- Presentation of ferraviair SMK maintenance workshops
UFMC1- Opening of the 10th edition job fair
UFMC1- the digital radio network
UFMC1- Logistics and Transport Network (SNTF)
UFMC1- Maurice Audin event opening
Sandrine Malika- Reading of the work of Michéle Audin a Short Life
Rène Cori- Undecidable Mathematical Propositions
UFMC1- Mathematical conference with the prize winners
UFMC1- honoring Maurice Audin event guests
Christophe Lafaye- The Use of Chemical Weapons by the French Army During the Algerian War of Independence
UFMC1- Restaurant Rue ain el bey-3
UFMC1- Opening BioShip
D.Youcef Zayane- Privileges of the National Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship for Students
D.Ahmed Oteman- field of entrepreneurship
D.Ines Belil- Bioship project
D. Said Karmeche- The project of Dr. Contractor Saeed Kermash
D.Boudissa Leila- A project to establish small and medium units
UFMC1- An awareness day about the dangers of summer
UFMC1- Opening Study Day on the Doctor-Entrepreneur Program
D.Ben Chohra Choule- word from the rector ben chohra Choule
D. Chihili Hamza- Vice-chancellor
M.directeur ANADE- Word from the Director ANADE Constantine
D.bellili ines- Presentation of the Bio-Ship Program
D.Kerbadj Mohamed Salah- Presentation of the Doctor-Entrepreneur Program
Mm.Khatem Zahra- Representative of the Minister Delegate in charge of Microenterprises
D.Dehimat Laid- History of entrepreneurial activities between SNV faculty and ADANE
UFMC1- Signing of the Agreement between UFMCI and ANADE
UFMC1- Testimonials from doctoral students already trained in the bio ship program
UFMC1- University pre-registration 2022-2023
UFMC1- Visit of the Canadian Ambassador
UFMC1- University registrations 2022-2023
UFMC1- Opening ceremony of the 2022-2023 academic year
UFMC1- Design of a course for a hybrid teaching Atelier II
UFMC1- Opening of the event
UFMC1- An intervention entitled Entrepreneurial spirit as a factor for professional and economic developmen
UFMC1- A workshop on how to find a project idea and the required skills
UFMC1- Multiple intelligences in business
UFMC1- Opening ceremony
D.Belaouni Hadj Ahmed- Comparative analysis of predicted biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs)
Pr.M.Kitouni- Biotechnologies and biomolecules of microbial origin
D.Rahim Nourredine- Evaluation of the bio-insecticide potential of the essential oil of the plant cupressus sempervirens
Pr.A.Hamidechi- Correction of genomic sequencing errors by HMM
Pr.Marghem Rachid- Plant-derived biomolecules of interest to the pharmaceutical industry
D.Azzouz Zahra- Production, purification and characterization of endoglucanase from Aspergillus niger produced by so
D.Sakhri Arafa Nadjoua- Proposal of an alternative methode of producing teixobactin
D.Mohammedi Linda- Semen collection and sperm kinematic parameters in cobb 500 breeding roosters
D.Beldjoudi Mona_Feriale- rPVL, a recombinant fungal lectin Evaluation of its potential in the treatment of lung cancer
Pr.Mouna saoudi - Contribution of chemical and physical treatments in the fungal inactivation
D.Mokrani Elhassen - In silico identification of novel monoamine oxidase b inhibitors for the treatment of Parkinson's di
Pr.BAZRI Kamel-Eddine - Sustainable Management, Treatment and Recovery of Waste
Pr.Dehimat Abdelouahab- Machine Learning Methods for Prediction and Detection of new Variants of Covid-19 Using Genomic Dat
D.Oulmi Lamia- Sequencing of the genome of the strain Tsukamurella sp. 1534 and detection of bacteriophage TPA4
D.Rayene Koliai - Treatment of industrial waste in suspension by a new oxidation method based on ultraviolet rays
D.Oulmi Lamia- Molecular typing by mlst of species of the genus tsukamurella
Pr.A.Arhab- Use of bioactive substances in ruminant feed a biotechnological approach
D.Amina Merzoug- Use of molecular docking in the search for new antidiabetic agents
UFMC1- American delegation
UFMC1- Lecturer in the science of linguistics in the English language
UFMC1- Opening of the session
Dr.Baitiche Chaabane- the pedagogical aspect
Dr.Azizi Nadir- Awareness and training
Dr.Baitiche Chaabane- the relationship with the environment
Dr.Berike Youcef- Patent model and financing
Dr.Cherfaoui Maya- A brief overview of the innovation platform
Dr.Mir Ahmed- Discussions and conclusion of the educational awareness day
UFMC1- Memory of the first of November 1954
UFMC1- Open doors on the SNV common tranc
M.BenMakhlouf Fares- The role of the notary in collecting the balance of registration and publicity
M.Douai Ahmed- Obligations of the notary in registration and deletion in the transfer of real estate ownership
Dr.Saighi- Contract as a means of exchanging benefits between individuals
M.Semakdji Zoubida- Tax fraud resulting from the false declaration in real estate transactions
Mme.Moukhnechi Kenza- The role of the notary in guaranteeing the personal rights of the parties to a right-keeping contrac
Mme.Nazila Saleh- Documentary receivables and contracts as a means and mechanism to support the public treasury
- discussion
- A welcome day for foreign students at the Mentouri Brothers University
UFMC1- Opening of the colloquium
Pr. Said SAIDI- Beyond a child, a village, a country, Africa itself
Dr.nedjma cherrad- Language and cultural autobiographies of Algerian and Lebanese students
Pr. Said SAIDI- Colloquium self-writing-introduction
Pr. Ilham SLIM - The cathartic power of self-writing identity reconstruction and reconciliation in the contemporary F
Pr.Sophie NICOLAIDES- Cultural Identity and Worldview in Thus Spoke My Father
UFMC1- The opening of the forum
Mr.Djebar selimen- Genetic analysis in forensic investigations
Dr.Atmani Abdelkarim- Forensic medicine and criminal investigation
Mr.Boubaker Abdelkarim- Forensic chemistry tasks and the role of the department in criminal investigations
Dr.Balarou Kamel- Crime scene protocol
Mr.Boudmaghe Mohamed ElAmine- Digital evidence expertise in criminal investigation
Mr.Ghichi Nabil- The contribution of biotechnical expertise in detecting criminal cases
Mr.Kabili Fathi Farouk- Functions and role of the department in criminal investigations, poisoning department
Mr.Chirane Zinedine- Functions and role of the department in criminal investigations, matching lines and documents
Mr.Boutamine Azeddine- Functions and role of the department in criminal investigations
Mme.Baaiche Wassila- Functions and role of the department in criminal investigations. Weapons Department
Mr.Merabet Moussa- Functions and role of the department in criminal investigations, forensic chemistry
Mr.Mazhoud Soufiane- Functions and role of the department in criminal investigations
Mme.Ghanaou Fatima- A workshop on how to find a project idea and the required skills
Mme.krikou Farial- A legal pause with the scientific police
UFMC1- The opening of the formation
M.Bouchemel Oussama Amir- The theme of the Startup Ecosystem in Algeria Presentation
M.Ghaddar Anass- Project leader in the incubation phase Startup de constantine
M.Bousmina Abderrazak- The role of the incubator in the startup ecosystem
UFMC1- The role of the incubator and related structures in Constantine University1
Mme.Belaidi Hanine- Innovative project leader AnimalCare de Constantine
UFMC1- Physics Seminar
UFMC1- The opening of the day
Mme. Debbah Samah- Intervention representing the Chamber of Commerce
M.BOUSSELAH- Intervention representative of the APW
M. HEBACHE S- Intervention representative of ENGEM INATAA
Dr. BENCHARIF-BETINA- Presentation of the patenting part of inventions of decree 1275 INATAA
Pr. BENSOUICI - Presentation of the awareness campaign and Training part of decree 1275 INATAA
Pr.AOUABDIA Nabila- Presentation of the external part with the economic sector Training of decree 1275 INATAA
Pr .BELLILI- Presentation of the educational part of decree 1275 INATAA
Dr. GHEDDAR anis - Sucess Story de la Start-up AQUINIS INATAA
UFMC1- meeting with Mr. Ahmed Mohio
UFMC1- Opening of the Seminar
Dr.Harfouche lynda- Abias correction for inverse gamma and beta prime kernel density Estimators
Dr.Boubekeur maroua amel- Stability analysis and numerical simulation of a mathematical model on the The impact of obesity on
Dr.Mohamed salah abdelouahab- Analyzing the Transmission Dynamics of Tuberculosis in Algeria Using a Compartmentaf Model
Dr.Aiane nabila- Astochastic procedure to solve linear ill posed problem under a Mixing random erros intervention
Dr.Hadjabi fatima- Chaotic Behaviors of Novel 3D Discrete Fractional System
Dr. Ayadi abdelhamid- Control of the singular problem associated with the heat equation
Dr. Nemdili amina- Convergence of Approximate Solutions for the Diffusion Transport Equation Defined by the Heat Nucleu
Dr.Boussetouan imane- Existence and regularity of solutions for the navier- stokes equatin with pressure and navier –type
Dr.Bousserhane reda- Exponential stability forlame system With fractional time-variying and boundery feedback
Dr. Arfa ghada- Inhomogeneous crédibility by using experience- rating methode
Dr.Merabti nesrine lamya- Sentinel Method for Stefan's Problem
Dr.Souakri roufaida- Modeling periodic Integer-Valud time Series with PGPINAR1model intervention
Dr.Hadjou belaid asma- Modeling Population Dynamics With Stochasstic Differential Equations
Dr. Hamidat nadjat- Modeling and mathematical study of the dynamics of hepatitis C
Dr.Guesraya sabrina- Preliminary Notions of G-Relaxed Control Problems
Dr.Blibel omar- On the solutions of differential equations With polynomial coefficients approach and applications
Dr.Sid amer youcef- Probabilistic investigation of the effect Of Randomness on structural reliability of Cylindrical pre
Dr.Lakhdari imad eddine- Stochastic Control Problem With Partial Observation in Wasserstein Space
Dr.Mesdaoui fatiha- Syncronization of fractional dynamical Systems Application to Chemical Models
Dr.Boumaila nadia- LM linearity test for the restricted PEXPAR 1 model
Dr.Boustila nadjib- A variant of the spectral projection method –PSWFS for a class of Infegral Fredholm equations of the
Dr.Bougoufala amira- Uniform Global Attractor a family of Infinite Dimensional first order non- autonomous CDSS interven
Dr.Souahi_abdourazek- Uniqueness criteria for some fuzzy differential equation on time scales intervention
Dr.Boukhelkhal ikram- Using Generalized Lagrange Functions Numerical Method to Solve Linear and Nonlinear Stochastic Diffe
UFMC1- closing session
UFMC1- The first educational day of the activities of the "My Opportunity in the Field of Law" initiative
UFMC1- The opening of the seminar
Dr.Laouar Hocine- Acinetobacter baumannii resistant to imipenem at CHU DE CONSTANTINE
Dr.RAMDANI Hakim- Antibiotic resistance in a medical intensive care unit
Dr.GHAROUT Alima- Characterization of clinical strains of klebsiella pneumonlae resistant to carbapenems isolated at t
Dr.MENDIL Ouidad- Carriage of ESBL- producing GAM-negative bacteria by cockroaches captured in hospital
Dr.KIRAT Hassina- Fecal carriage of axtended spectrum B- lactamases producing and multidrug resistant escerichia coli
Dr.BENKAHOUL Malika- Oral yeast infections in newborns and infants Risk factors for diagnosis and treatment
Dr.Boutaghane Naîma- Plants at the service of health
Dr. HOUCHI Selma- genotypic detection of ESBLs producing Escherichia coli MDR in Algeria
Dr.Abdelhafid Boubendir- Antibiotic resistance from basic science to applications
UFMC1- Closing of the Seminar
UFMC1- The opening of the forum
M.Djader Hocine- Notary officer for legal security
UFMC1- The opening of the forum
Dr.Ali Hocine eldjelani- The legal framework for investing in endowments in Sudanese law
Dr.Younes Saoualhi- Waqf tourism in Malaysia available tools and opportunities
Dr.Mohamed said abdAllah Djamil- العيون الإستشفائية كتجربة رائدة في مجال الاسثتمار السياحي للاموال الوقفية بالجزائر
Dr.Karima Mahrouk- Supporting endowment tourism in Algeria, a reading of the cooperation and partnership agreement
Dr.Abdelhalim Zidene- Endowment thinking engineering from the perspective of civilized advancement
- Forum recommendations
UFMC1- Conclusion of the forum and the delivery of certificates
UFMC1- Conclusion of the forum and the delivery of certificates
UFMC1- Opening session
Mr.Elyamine Halimi- Customs Administration tasks and organization
Mr.Tabet Benchikh elhoucine- Economic customs systems
Mr.Eldjilali Houitia- Customs facilities are an incentive for investment
Mr.Soufiane Otemane- Proof of customs crimes within the framework of customs records
Mr.Elyamine Halimi- The role of the World Customs Organization in sending lists of customs legislation
Mr.Hichem Bouhouche- Misdemeanors and felonies of customs smuggling
Mr.Karfa Taher- Strategic plan for customs administration
Mr.Guemouh Mouloud- The Authorized Economic Operator - a mechanism to stimulate foreign trade
Mr.Nadir Bouchehdaine- Legal adjustment of customs violations
UFMC1- Closing activities
UFMC1- A media awareness day for the activities of the African Championship for locals
UFMC1- The opening of the forum
Dr.Belabas Abdelouahab- The socio-cultural dimensions of women's work between marginalization and empowerment
Dr.Manaa hakima- Feminist empowerment between the cultural ratio and human rights
Dr.kasaa souad- Contemporary feminist discourse and the amendment of personal status laws in Islamic countries
Dr.Benyassad Adra- Entrepreneurial woman
Dr.Bouzatoune Saida- Women and union work between empowerment and reluctance
Dr.Benhoucine Aicha- Women and the question of empowerment, a legitimate study
Dr.Mohamed djamil djaber- The general guardianship of women in Algerian legislation between the provisions of CEDAW and the de
Dr.Aiachi dalila- Activating women's participation in elected councils
Dr.Elnafri moundjia- Empowering women under CEDAW Convention and Westernization
Dr.Boutebala Memmar- Protecting women against discrimination between societal privacy and international obligations
Dr.Khoudja Souad- Equality between men and women in the Algerian family law
Dr.Leila ibrahim - Family empowerment in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Dr.Yasmine Yahia ibrahim- The status of women in comparative Arab legislation
Dr.Marbah wassila- The status of women in Islam
Dr.Lakikat Soulef- Aspects of empowering women during their assumption of the era of the message and the righteous cali
Dr.Naily Habiba- Constitutional guarantees for the political empowerment of women in Algeria
Dr.Balarou Kamel- A word about the Women's Empowerment Forum
UFMC1- Conclusion of the forum
UFMC1- The meeting of the university director with the directors of the laboratories
UFMC1- Doors open for the benefit of foreign students in the specializations of the University of Constanti
UFMC1- Visit of the Ambassador of Turkey
UFMC1- Exhibition of new holdings for books, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences
UFMC1- National Martyr's Day
UFMC1- Drug Awareness Day
UFMC1- The second edition of the Crafts and Entrepreneurship Salon
UFMC1- spelling bee 2nd edition
UFMC1- spelling bee 2nd edition
UFMC1- spelling bee 2nd edition
UFMC1- spelling bee 2nd edition
UFMC1- Educational workshops related to the English language and communication techniques
UFMC1- Exhibition of new holdings of the Central Library for the year 2022
UFMC1- Ceremony honoring retired professors and workers from the College of Technology
UFMC1- Women's Day
UFMC1- Exposition des livres 2023
UFMC1- The most important reforms that affected the United Nations
UFMC1- A future vision for the United Nations Charter
UFMC1- The emergence and development of the idea of ​​the United Nations and the emergence of the need for
UFMC1- Teachers' tribute
UFMC1- Clôture de la journée scolaire
UFMC1- Qatar Delegation
Mr. Sidi mohamed sahel - Swot analysis of data
Mr.Zemmit abderrahim - Review of achievements & presentation of surveys results and analysis
Mr.Kaouane Mohamed- Debate and update of the action plan
Dr. Benmansour abdel krim- Conduct of audits and launch of EADs
Pr. korichi mourad - Development of training skills and installed platform
Mme. Tobal ismahane- Language school
Pr.oukaci lounis - University pedagogy located between completely distance learning and hybrid teaching
Pr.Khater maamer- Exchange Server
Dr.belhani ahmmed- presentation of the conceptual framework
Mme .kara terki hadjiral- Site de la CNEAD
UFMC1- The official launch of doctoral training 2022-2023
UFMC1- opening of the day
Mme Bousale Amel- content of public contracts modality of their application
Mr.Elaiachi Laouameria- The role of the administrative judge in public transactions
Mr.Filali Abdelhalim- The tasks of judicial law in confronting public transactions
UFMC1- discussion
Pr. Lotfi Belkhiri- In silico design 'Drug Design' New bioactive molecules for cancer therapy
UFMC1- Opening of the week of artificial intelligence
Pr.Boufanara mohamed nadjib- Artificial intelligence for medical diagnosis
Dr.Adel Krid- Drug Design From Insilico To Hope
Dr. Saad Bouchkioua- In Silico Design Software and database (Atelier)
Dr.Besma Benaziz- Artificial intelligence to screen for autism neurodevelopmental disorders
Dr.Rafik Menacer- computational chemistry computer aided drug design
UFMC1- Visit of University Dean Ahmed Bouras to the Central Library
UFMC1- English level test for doctoral students
UFMC1- memorial symposium of Professor Sami Mohamed Al-Eid
UFMC1- The opening of the forum
Dr.Benhbilesse Amina- Green spaces within the framework of shared ownership between the privacy of the legal system and th
Dr.Khouadjia samiha- The legal system of urban spaces in France
Dr.Kbir Abd eldjalil- The program for the reforestation season 2022-2023 carried out by the Prefecture of Forests in the w
Dr.Boumazber Badis- The role of the municipality in the management and protection of green spaces in Algerian legislatio
Dr.Meziani nabila- The role of the municipality and civil society in the management, development and protection of gree
Dr.Benchartioua sana- The role of green spaces in upgrading cities between urban planning and implementation
Dr.Boutaraa_chamama- Reforestation projects in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as a clean development mechanism to r
Dr.Khiat walid- Issues and challenges of enhancing green spaces in urban areas of Constantine The case of Bardo
Dr.Boucherit sihem- Management and design of green spaces in a sustainable urban development framework
UFMC1- The conclusion of the forum with the delivery of certificates
UFMC1- Day of remembrance for the massacres of May 8, 1945
- Drug Awareness Day
UFMC1- Forum legal and judicial professions
UFMC1- student party-Part02
UFMC1- Opening of the forum
Dr.Zebiri Ahmed- Electronic litigation
Dr.Charouana Ali- Documentation and digitization
Dr.Gharboune_Nacer eddine- The impact of technological development on the theory of proof in Algerian legislation
Dr.Hayoune_Boubaker- International protection for computer chips USA model
Dr.Hachemi Rafika- The practical difficulties facing investigation personnel in conducting a crime scene
Dr.Filali Sara- The law confronts artificial intelligence technologies
Dr.Guemouh Mouloud- The digital platform for the investor is a model for facing economic challenges
Dr.Cheribet Abderreouf- The repercussions of digitization on the profession of judicial clerks
Dr.Bouslama Hanan- Reading the conference recommendations
Dr.Abdeli Sihem- Compatibility of technological development with the characteristics of administrative dispute
Dr.Bouhlaias Ilham- Protecting the electronic consumer's personal data is inevitable in the digital economy
Dr.Ouis Maya- Specificity of the objective conditions for obtaining a patent for biotechnology
Dr.Boutasse Lahcen- The role of digitization in the work of the Defense Authority
Dr.Leouafi Mouhamed- Modernization of the justice sector has components and obstacles
Dr.Sebihi Walid- Modernizing and developing justice systems
Dr.Benyasaad Adra- Thought and property rights, ethical and legal issues chat gpt
UFMC1- Handing over certificates and closing the forum
UFMC1- opening 4th Mathematics National seminar
Dr.Hadjer KEBIR- On the nonparametric estimation of the condition alhazard function with a recursive kernel for ergod
Dr. Aziza BACHMAR- A electrovisco-elastic contact problem with long memory
Dr.Nadjet LAKEHAL- A new three dimensionalchaotic system with a hiddenatractor, adaptive control
Dr.Asma LADJEROUD- About the chaotic behavior in certain family of piecewise smooth mappings
Dr.Manel El Batoul MERAI- Almost complete convergence of recusive kernel estimators
Dr. Boutheina FELLAHI- An interative projective interior point method majorant function for nonlinear programming
Dr. Ahlem BOUCHERIKHA- Barotropic and baroclinic model
Dr. Mohamed SAADAOUI- Existence and blow up of solution for p-lapace type with viscoelasticity
Dr.Aicha BOUSSAHA- Extracting new opicalsolition –solution of confornable nonlinear schrodinger equation
Dr.Amel HIOUAL 2- Nonlinear nabla Variable orderfractional Discrete neural networks stability and stabilization
Dr.Lynda MEZGHICHE- New results for an iterative houseflies model
Dr. Amel_HIOUAL- Nonlinear nabla Variable orderfractional Discrete neural networks stability and stabilization
Dr.Marwa KHEMIS- Positive periodic solutions to a delaysurvival model of redbloodcells by schauder’s fixed point theo
Dr.Zineb BOUSLAH- Inverse problem of bi- laplace operator
Dr.SOUNDES MEKKI- Self –organising maps for pattern recognition
Dr.Chaima BOULKHELOUA- Well- posedness and exponential stability of lord – shulman thermoelastic system with porous damping
Dr.Saliha MARIR- Lmi- based control of singular fractionl- order systems
Dr.Djilali SEBA- Fractional model for forecasting time series Application on Etherreum Capital Market
Dr.Arafa GHADA- Homogeneous credibility model and its application
Dr.Issam BENDIB- A compact Finite dierence schemes for variable order time fractional
UFMC1- Opening of the scientific demonstration
Pr.Bouraoui Omer- The State Council issued a ruling to declare the partnership contract between the partner investor a
Pr.Abdelmoumen Abdelouaheb- Legal adjustment to the nature of the agricultural partnership contract
N.Djaber Houcine- Agricultural partnership between theory and practice
Pr.Guerani Abdennacer- Disputes related to non-publication of agricultural partnership contracts
Pr.Labadi Dalel- Guarantees and obstacles to partnership in agricultural investments
UFMC1- Recommendations and conclusion of the scientific demonstration
UFMC1- Opening of the Day
Dr.Ines Belil- Guide to draft resolution 1275
Dr.Ines Belil- View the results of the Mentouri Brothers University incubator
Dr.Ines Belil- Closing up the day
UFMC1- Visit of a parliamentary delegation to the university
UFMC1- Japanese delegation
Dr.Cherifa Chebbah- the contribution of the human sciences to literature the case of literary anthropology
Dr.Fathia Daoues- innovative approach for hybrid teaching of a foreign language
Dr.yasmina khainnare- design thinking design of experiences part of a new paradigm in the university research enterprise
Dr.Amaury Daele- supervising students for their dissertation in the era of artificial intelligence
Dr.Hana Nedjeh- hybrid learning and tertiary educatin in algeria realites and perspectives
Dr.Meriem Hfi- Nostalgia as a barrier to corpus change in master literature research
Dr.Cherifa Mzari- the focus group as an online data collection tool
Dr.Mohamed Salah Dadci- reading stories and narrative interest a paradigm load
Dr.Rachid Hanchi- investigation tools in school contexts for the teaching benefit of FLE
Dr.Maroua Daroui- AI and scientific research problematic ethics
Dr.Soumeya Mazouz- online teaching during covid 19 challenge and solutions Asumed by languages Teachers at the Algerian
UFMC1- Closing ceremony of the academic year of the faculty of natural and life sciences 2022-2023
UFMC1- Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of essential oil extracted from clove
UFMC1- Closing ceremony of the academic year of the Faculty of Exact Sciences 2022-2023
UFMC1- Open doors to institutions of higher education and scientific research
UFMC1- Meeting with foreign students
UFMC1- Opening of the conference
Dr.Mebarek Bahri- Contribution of quality assurance to language training offers
Dr.Ali Cheknane- Quality Assurance Unit mission and challenges
Dr.Lyes Khiter- Fundamental elements of the creation of the national quality assurance agency in higher education AN
Dr.Mazari Chafia- Teaching in English at university reality challenges and perspectives
Dr.Nacira Mezache Bensaidene- External evaluation of establishments under the supervision of the MESRS
Dr.Nadjet Boucheriba- Training of trainers in French at ENSC the problem of the academic master's degree
Dr.Affaf Sekhri- university training in FLE retrospective and prospective vision
Dr.Zineb Haroun- Governance and Professionalization of University Language Training Impact of Stakeholders and Synerg
Dr.Chelli Madja- Informing Translation Programs in HE amicro analysis approach
Dr.Mustapha Bourkhis- Quality assurance of higher education disavowed by the reality of Térrian
Dr.leila mekhlouf- E-learning at the Algerian university, an alternative or parallel mode of teaching
Dr.Amira Meshoul- The evaluation of educational quality in university language training presentation of some critics
Dr.Naoual Aouali- The challenges of training FLE teachers
Dr. Abdelouahab Dakhia- The Algerian university between ethics and quality assurance, citizen training in question
Dr.Araiche Dalel- The design of university training in FLE issues, stakeholders involved and theoretical foundations
Dr.Sihem Zemoura- The training of university teachers in English, what approaches and what objectives
Dr.Benaouali Fouzia- Distance pre-university training in English for the benefit of new high school graduates, issues and
Dr.Sadek Bekouche- The financing and governance of the future quality assurance and accreditation agency for higher edu
Dr.Ludmia Yaagoub- Towards quality language teaching at Algerian universities
UFMC1- Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year
UFMC1- Opening of the conference
Pr.Christophe Gremion- Afopra Support and Training for Work-Study Professionalization
Pr. Jean François Marcel- Participatory Research the case of Intervention Research
Mme. Wassila Chehat- From university language training to the socio-economic world, a reconfiguration of knowledge and sk
Dr. Fatiha Sahli- English as a Medium Of Instruction In Higher Education
Mme.Haidy Ibrahim- Translator Training and the labor market in EGYPT Issues and prospects
Dr. Amina Amel Azil- The Professionalization of University Training in Translation
Dr.Farid Mazi- Oral training in the Ens d'Algerie testimonials from former students new teachers
Dr.Naoual Aouali- La Professionnalisation Universitaire en Algérie Via la Plateforme Tellum
Dr. Latifa Mokhtari- Business and Teaching Translation
Dr.Souad Benabbes- Does the Professional Master's Degree at the Algerian University Facilitate the Transition to Work?
Pr.Jean François Marcel- The Doctorate Path Preparing a thesis
Dre Karima Zerouali- Pedagogical Leadership Catalyze Pedagogical Excellence in the Continuing Training of Language Teache
Dr. Richard Wittorski- The challenges of professionalization
Mme. Amira Meshoul- Prescribed identity in the skills framework for newly recruited university teachers
Dr.Ludmia Yaagoub- For better professionalization in the university context
Pr.Jean François Marcel- Lacas professionalization or deprofessionalization of school teachers in France
Pr.Christophe Gremion- Professionalize And Institutionalize Impossible Marriage
UFMC1- Summary of the work Recommendations Delivery of certificates and closing of the conference
Dr.Fouzia Bennacer- Teacher Professional Growth in Language Education The Role of Research Projects and Laboratories
Dr.Fatima Zohra Belkacem Zerhouni- The Algerian university facing the challenge of professionalization and university training
UFMC1- Opening ceremony
Dr.Amira RAHMANI- A comparative study between argas persicus found in eastern algeria and china
Dr.beraat OZCELIK- A conversion journey of plants to meat for a sustainable word protin sources and production methods
Dr.Makhlouf CHAALAL- Assessment of the antioxidant potential, physicochemical stabilities , and senory analysis of mayonn
Dr.sihem toumi, nasrin smadh, souad talbi, selma ghana- biodegradation of phenol under hypersaline conditions by the halophilic archaea haloarcula sp d21
Pr.Ammar AZIOUNE- Bio-microfluidics innovation & valorization
Dr.Hayet Nassima BAHA- Biofertilizer production for sustainable agriculture A biotechnological and ecological prespectives
Dr.Malika BENKAHOUL- Cinétique et mécanisme de production d’une protéase neutre par aspergillus oryzae ahlburg (cohen) 1
Pr.sigrid flahaut- laccase enzyme versatile biocatalyst in bioindustries proproduction of fungal laccase
Dr.Nacira BOUDOUIRA- Development of gluten-free couscous with rice-lebumes supplementation
Pr.Philippe THONART- Form the cell to the finished product a scientific,technological and industrial chellenge
Dr.Hichem BOUAKKAZ- Exploring plant extracts for uric acid dissolution potential for gout treatment
Dr.Rachida CAID- Phenolic compounds of algae (ULV LACTUCA) optimization ofextraction by RMSand in vitro antioxidants
Dr.kenza MOULAOUI- Anti-hemolytic activity of pistacia lentiscus methanolic extract
Dr.Imene GUEMRA- The effect of ammonium acetate on the productivity of lysine by an auxotrophic mutant of corynnebact
Pr.Khodir MADANI- Local products a lever for Algerian agriculture, case of prickly pear
Dr.Aicha KSOURI- Study of the antibacterial effect of polyphenolic extracts of a medicinal plant diplotaxis eruciodes
Dr.Nedjoua SEKHRI ARAFA- Prevalence and resistance profile of acinetobacter baumannii
pr. hayet BOUKHALFA LEZZAR- Technological applications of fungal protease produced by solid state fermentation on tomato waste
UFMC1- Closing of the seminar
UFMC1- Opening of the conference
- deposition of copper axide thin films by soray polarisis technique and by copper chloride solution f
- development of tubular membranes from local terracotta clays -guelma
- effect of dip coating seed layer on the morphological and optical properties of zno nanorods growth
- effect of Fe2 O4 nanopartie le on electronic cooling numerical investigation of nanofluid flow throu
- estimation of percolation threshold and its influence on the properties of epoxy resin based polymer
- experimental investigation of conductive heat transfer and fire protection in a polymer based heat e
- finite control set model predictive control FCS MPC and fuzzy self adaptive PI controller FSA PIC fo
- heat transfer enhancement in a parabotic trough solar collector using inner wall fins and nanofluids
- HMDSO ZnO graphene heterostructure caoted quartz crystal microbalance transducer for VOCs sensing
- impact of high temperarure and germanium rate on the electrical performance of the SIGE heterojuncti
- numerical irivestigation of laminar forced convection heat transfer nanofluids flow using different
- study of interphases in dielectric nanocomposites luminescent aspect
- the 2nd international conferance of nanotechnology for environmental protection and clean energy pro
- the carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoparticles their oxygen modified forms and composites
- the fabrication of floating co doped fe diatomite granule catalyst with enhanced photocalytic offici
UFMC1- Opening of the forum
Dr.Fouzia Houchet- Climate change is a threat to planet Earth
Dr.Rida Cheriat- Impacts of climate change on human rights in the Mediterranean region
Dr.AbdElatif Bouroubi- The impact of climate change in the Mediterranean region on the increase in irregular migration, a r
Dr.Rida Banouna- Basic principles of international law that apply to climate action from a human rights perspective
Dr.Hassina Ghaouas- Climate change as one of the threats to environmental security
Dr.Samia Azioune- Climate change and its impact on food security
Dr.Belkacem Bitat- Climate changes in Algeria, effects and ways to combat them
Dr.Chems eddine Ziadi - Climate impact on the marine environment
Dr.Youcef Maalem- The impact of climate change on the right to life and security of the person
Dr.Abdelghafour Boussena- The impact of climate change on the Mediterranean countries and the concept of climate justice
Dr.Fouzia Zamouche- The right to the environment is an evolving right
Dr.Bassim Cheli- Study weather data to determine the extent of climate change
Dr.Cheriat Rida- The concept of climate change, its factors and forms
UFMC1- Closing of the forum
UFMC1- National Immigration Day, October 17, 1961
UFMC1- Opening session
Dr.Arwa Fakheri Abd Ellatif- Legal regulation of investment in Iraqi legislation
Dr.Bensidra Amar- Entrepreneurial orientation as an example of developing the performance of an emerging enterprise
Dr.Bouhlaisse Ilhem- The legal employment of the concept of enterprise and its developments in Algerian legislation
Dr.Guemouh Mouloud- Digitization is a means to improve the investment climate in Algeria
Dr.Khalfaoui AbdElbaki- Commercial companies
Dr. Hamdaoui Ali- The legal form of emerging institutions in Algerian legislation
Dr.Ragueni AbdMalek- Legal guarantees for the investment of endowment properties are officially governed by Algerian legi
Dr.Balarou Kamel- Jurisprudential justifications for helping legal persons for colonial crimes
Dr.Sahreoui Abir- The Specialized Commercial Court for the judiciary supports trade and promotes investment
Dr.Kalfah Sihem- The legal system for isolating a simple joint stock company in Algerian and French law
Dr.Yasmine Yahia- The legal system for investment in Palestine, an analytical study
Dr.Abrar Elassi- The legal system for investment in Palestine and mechanisms for encouraging investment
Dr.Kibouaa AbdAllah- Alternative means of resolving investment disputes
Dr.Cheouitar Imen- Privacy policy before specialized commercial courts
Dr.Litouche Dalila- The impact of corruption on foreign investment in Algeria
Dr.Benseghir Mourad- Qualifying comparison contracts: investment opportunities and sustainability bets
Dr.Boulaghenimet Soulef- The privacy of the commercial judiciary under Law 22-13
Dr.Boufama Samira- The specificity of the simple joint stock company as the most appropriate form for emerging enterpri
Dr.Tayar Mouna- The role of tourist real estate in attracting foreign investment in Algeria
Dr.Khoualdjia Samiha Hanen- The role of emerging institutions in the tourism field in Algeria
Dr.Bouslama Hanen- The role of emerging institutions in supporting and developing the national economy
Dr.Siari Hadjer- New investment mechanisms under Law No. 22-18
Dr.Bouhamla Salah eddine- The simple joint stock company is a recent trend in Algerian corporate law
Dr.Salemi warda- The simple joint stock company is a new legal form of sole proprietorship
Dr.BenAmiour Amina- The Self-Employer Law is a step towards controlling digital economic activities
UFMC1- Closing of the conference
UFMC1- Opening of the day
Mme.Bouarroudj Lamia- the environmental department of the wilaya of constantine
Mme.Kara Karima- Durable development, why?
Mr.Bazri Kameleddine- for a green and clean university
Mme.Messaoud Samira- valorization of bones from wastewater treatment plants for agricultural purposes the case of Algeria
Mme.Leila Turki- Opening of the forum
Pr.Ghejegheje Iskander- Mechanisms for achieving digital transformation between challenges and threats
Pr.Assoud Yacine- Digitization strategy for Algerian universities
Pr.Harkati Djamila- Distance education during the Corona pandemic, University of the Fraternity Mentoui Constantine Nomo
Mme.Nouia houda- Electronic litigation in Algeria between reality and prospects
Pr.Ameriou Djaouida- Digitizing judicial record tasks
Pr.Belil Amira- Mechanisms for local groups to achieve digital administrative transformation in light of the Corona
UFMC1- Closing of the conference
UFMC1- Opening ceremony
Dr.Assoued yacine- The legal foundations of citizenship between Arab laws and human rights conventions
Dr.BenAouali Khalida- International and national legislative protection of digital rights and duties in light of digital t
Dr.BenAriba Rokia- Legal protection of digital rights internationally and nationally. Algeria is a model
Dr.Nawel Loucif- Digital safety for children between international and national texts
Dr.Mabrouk Kahi- The virtual identity of the researcher is an introduction to establishing digital elites
Dr.Saad Baadache- The limits of international protection established for digital rights and freedoms
Dr.Fadila Yassad- Freedom of expression in the digital age
Dr.Aarab Amel- Protecting the right of children with disabilities to privacy in the International Convention on the
Dr.Barkem Zohir- Ways to develop digital citizenship values ​​in universities to improve the quality of higher educat
Dr.Fouzia Houchat- From the right to private life to the right to digital privacy
Dr.Mohamed Djaber Elsaid- Digital Citizenship Definition Elements Stage Principles and How to Digital Citizenship A Descriptiv
Dr.Omar Bouguerit- Influence Of electronic administration on the quality public service
UFMC1- Closing session
UFMC1- The opening session: The reality of health through the eyes of specialists
UFMC1- The National Forum on the Health System in Algeria: Reality and Hope
UFMC1- Opening of the National Day of Applied Sciences and Techniques
Dr.Lahcen Mebarki- Study of the characteristics and structure of a metal/ceramic alloy W-30CU/xTIC
Dr.ABADA Mohamed Amine- Fundamentals,challenges and perspectives of water electolysis for hydrogen energy production
Dr.Guezouli_Lyamine- Innovative convergence: the impact of AI on sustainable development
Dr.BERRAIS Abderrahmane- Graphitization and surface carbon depletion of a nitrided AISI H13 tool steel in aluminum hot extrus
Dr.GHODBAN hassina- Hydrogen internal combustion engine
Dr.Amina Merzougi- History of ISTA in Algeria
Dr.HADJMOKHNACHE Zineddine- Logistics robot for automatic sorting and storage that relies on artificial intelligence
Dr.AOUABDIA Nabila- BLUE Business-University Liaison Office
Dr.BETINA Soumeya- Technology and Innovation Support Centers-CATI
UFMC1- Session Poster
Dr.BELLIL Ines- the incubator and its missions
UFMC1- Opening of the week
Mme.Widad Salhi- The role of Technopol Constantine Plateau as a business accelerator for innovative projects
Mr.Mohamed Salah Guerbaz- Awareness of entrepreneurship and making decisions about your professional future
ANGEM- The role assigned to the agency under the new investment law. Introduction
ANADE- The role assigned to the agency under the new investment law. Introduction
Mme.Fouzia Mouri- Classic entrepreneurship
Mme.Soumeya Betina- intellectual property
Mme.Inas Belil- Business incubators of Constantine University 1
Mme.Soumeya Betina- Business incubators of the University of Constantine 1. Mechanisms for implementing draft resolution
Mme.Adra Benyassed- Emerging institutions
UFMC1- Showcasing the experiences of some successful contractors
UFMC1- Science Clubs Exhibition
UFMC1- Opening of the day
Dr.Kamal Hamaz- AI-Powered Healthcare Innovations Enhancing Patient Care and Télémedicine
Dr.BENZADRI Zakaria- FabLab Catalyst for Innovation in Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunications
Pr.MESSAI Abderaouf- Impact of artificial intelligence on Society
Dr.Aris skander- Debate and Recommendation
UFMC1- Opening ceremony
Dr.Wanoughi Nabil- An analytical reading of the new incentives and benefits in investment law
Dr.Mahmoud Abdeltaweb- The impact of changing the value of cash on the commitment of investment companies
Dr.Noureddine Dardouri- Extracting international experiences to improve the business environment in Algeria and the Singapor
Dr.Taeb Mohamed Ali- Investment between reality and expectations
Dr.Saoula Raouf- The role assigned to the agency under the new Investment Law 18-22
Dr.Bouhlassa Ilhem- Transparency as an indicator for evaluating the business climate and the limits of its implementatio
Dr.Bouchera Mouhamed Hacen Aboutourabi- Legal guarantees to encourage investment in Palestine in light of the Palestinian Investment Encoura
Dr.Adra Benyassad- Legal developments in commercial matters, i.e. stimulating the business climate
Dr.Guemouh Mouloud- The role of Islamic banks in promoting investment
Dr.Moustafa Ibrahim Echameri- The role of the economic variable in international relations, Center for Strategic and International
Dr.Mouhamed ELabed- Success conditions for international economic companies
Dr.Merabet Roumaissa- Guarantees and incentives to bring foreign investors into Algeria in accordance with the new Investm
Dr.Abd eldjawad Abd elhalim- Factors for improving investment in light of Egyptian Law No. 72 of 2017
Mr.Elhamel Marniz- Investment climate between the past and the present
Dr.Rahali Amina Souad- Business Climate and Invsetment in Algeria
Dr.Mohamed Djaber- Inverstment Guarantees and Incentives in View of the Egyptian Act no 72 in 2017 and its Amendments a
Dr.Mohamed Belkacem Radouane- Navigating the Triad Exploring the Interplay of International Commerce Law International Law and Inv
Dr.Naeli Habiba- The Doing Business Index a Controversial Word Bank ranking tool
UFMC1- General discussion at the conclusion of the forum
UFMC1- italian Delegation
UFMC1- Visit of a delegation from the University of Russia
UFMC1- Anniversary of the demonstrations of December 11, 1960
UFMC1- Opening of the day
Dr.Alatou Djamel- Diagnosis of the draa naga constantine arboratum
Dr.Kadem Dya Eddine- The importance of soil in ecosystems
UFMC1- Traditional and craft industries in Algeria: reality and prospects
UFMC1- Study day on artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things
UFMC1- Opening of the session
Dr.Merabet Abderrezak- The reference guide for academic mobility within the national territory
Dr.Merabet Abderrezak- regrouping of universities
UFMC1- Awareness days regarding Resolution 1275
UFMC1- Awareness days regarding Resolution 1275
UFMC1- An honorary ceremony in honor of retired professors and workers of the College of Science and Techno
UFMC1- Opening ERASMUS+ Days 2024
Mr.Nadji Zakaria- ERASMUS+ ICM Exchange scholarship
Mr.Boudour Mouhamed- ERASMUS+Work together With european
UFMC1- ERASMUS+ Workshop 01
UFMC1- ERASMUS+ Workshop 02
UFMC1- Opening of the day
Dr.Dahmani iness- BLEU Constantine 1 Business-University liaison office
Dr.Bouhalouf Habiba- CATI Technology and Innovation Support Center
Dr.Ayeb abdlatif- Incubator gear lever
Dr.Mouri Fouzia- Entrepreneurship Development Center
Dr.Kazoul Hacen- Foundations and principles before embarking on the entrepreneurship journey
UFMC1- Debate of the day
UFMC1- Discussion on the content of the day
UFMC1- Entrepreneurial awareness caravan Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences
UFMC1- Entrepreneurial awareness caravan Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences
UFMC1- Information and awareness-raising days for the benefit of students of the Common Core, Faculty of Na
UFMC1- Opening of the Meeting
Mr. Naidja Abderraouf- The relationship of the Freres Mentouri Constantine 1 University with its economic environment
Mme.Dahmani Zakia- Presentation Du BLEU
UFMC1- Business exhibition
Pr.KOUACHI Morad- Role of partnership in economic development
Mr.AOUAF Abdelhakim- National Agency for Entrepreneurship Development
Pr.Ahmed Bourass- signature of contracts and Word from the Rector
UFMC1- Exhibition of new acquisitions of the College of Natural and Life Sciences 2024
UFMC1- Visit of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
UFMC1- A comprehensive exploration of quantum computing
UFMC1- Memorial of Mr. Azouz Qardun
UFMC1- English training for teachers
UFMC1- knowledge day
UFMC1- How to write a CATI patent
UFMC1- How to write a CATI patent
UFMC1- Educational workshops related to the English language and communication techniques part 01
UFMC1- Educational workshops related to the English language and communication techniques part 02
UFMC1- Donna Wiss Regional Public Engagement Specialist For American Spaces in North Africa
UFMC1- BMC business Model Canvas training
Dr.SADOUNI Salaheddine- Presentation of the House of Artificial Intelligence at Constantine University 1
Dr.Hamza kamal- Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
- Workshop
Mme.Benyassed Adra- A training workshop for the benefit of students from emerging institutions
Mme.Sahraoui Abir- From a certificate holder to an economic trader
UFMC1- General discussion
Dr.GUEZOULI Lyamine- sustainable smart cities and their Technologies for sustainables transportation
Mr.MIHOUB Abderrezzak - Rail safety in tramway maintenance
- Level Crossings on the Algerian Railway Network
- Mobil Application Web Platform
Dr.ZEKKOUR Zakria- Repair of pipelines by tapping under load and STOPPLE operation
UFMC1- First national day on microbial interactions and environment
UFMC1- Presentation facilitating international research cooperation DFG Kathrin Knodel
UFMC1- student party
UFMC1- Interview with teachers for recruitment
UFMC1- Partnership agreement between the University of Constantine 1, Brother Mentouri, the Department of T
UFMC1- Employability Day and Partnerships
UFMC1- Employability Day and Partnerships
UFMC1- Realize your project
UFMC1- Closing ceremony of the academic year 2023-2024
UFMC1- Closing ceremony of the academic year of the Faculty of Letters and Languages ​​2023-2024